Zines are self-published, DIY magazines. The Black Women’s Anti-Work Workbook is a 3 volume set of zines written by me, Dr. Sharla Berry. They are part historical text and part speculative fiction. In the series, I use Afrofuturism and Marxist feminism to to outline the structural and systemic harms of work, and imagine a post-work future with Black women at the center. Order your copy by visiting the store.
The Black Women’s Anti-work workbook: A Zine Series
Volume 1
Sis, your job is killing you. In Volume 1, You Wont Break My Soul: Why Black Women Need to Rethink Our Relationship to Work , I explore the signs that your job is harmful to you physically and psychologically. I also outline how you can work toward healing.
Volume 2
In the words of the Combahee River Collective, “if Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression.”
In Volume 2, Imagining a Post-Work World With Black Women at the Center , I explore why a world without work would help Black women and all people.
Volume 3
So what exactly does a post-work world look like? In Volume 3, Surviving in the Post-Work World: Ideas for Collective Liberation , I share thoughts on the shifts in mindset and policy that need to take place to see a world without work. This piece focuses on mutual aid, intergenerational living and guaranteed income as pathways toward post-work.